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Become An Investor

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For Accredited Investors

Explore the Suitability of Angel Investing Angel investors play a crucial role by injecting initial external capital into startups during their early stages. Before the angel funding phase, startups often rely on capital from founders and "friends and family." This early "pre-seed" or "seed" stage presents significant potential for growth but also carries the highest risk.

For those unfamiliar with the founders, angel investing is regulated by the SEC and individual states, requiring individual accredited investors or funds adhering to state and federal regulations to participate. Assess if angel investing is the right fit for you and embark on this exciting journey of supporting promising ventures. For people interested in investing $20K or more, the traditional pathways to Angel investing are available, requiring an annual income of more than $200K or significant financial sophistication. The other pathway is to participate in a GoFundMe account or a patreon site for our vetted researchers/startups.




What is an Accredited Investor?

An accredited investor is someone who meets specific financial criteria, typically related to income or net worth, as defined by regulatory authorities like the SEC. Accredited investors are allowed to participate in certain investment opportunities that are not available to the general public, such as private offerings and hedge funds, due to their presumed financial sophistication and ability to bear greater risks.



You are working on the cutting edge of science, helping to advance our frontiers of knowledge and bring mankind closer to the cures we need.
We believe helping you find the resources you need to succeed, should be among our societies highest goals.

We are here to do what we can to help you.


- We can help you find grants both from public and private sources.


- We can help you develop collaborations with like-minded resources around the world.


- We can help connect you with patrons who may be able to chip in small amounts to assist     your research, per these small amounts can add up to a lot.


Please contact us if you would like to learn more.

Become an Investor!

After grasping the mechanics of angel investing, you can determine if it aligns with your interests and goals.

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